
Homepage Redesign

Redesigning with the goal of boosting conversions and enhancing usability.


Product designer — UX Design, Research, Usability Testing, User Interviews, Visual Design


3 months


DrHempMe is an e-commerce website that offers a selection of CBD products.

The aim of this redesign is to increase the conversion rate and sales. By conducting a thorough analysis, identifying areas of improvement and implementing strategic changes, the goal is to increase visitor who actually complete a purchase.


How can I really funnel users into a sale? is it the homepage? is it the checkout process?


How can I really funnel users into a sale? is it the homepage? is it the checkout process?


How can I really funnel users into a sale? is it the homepage? is it the checkout process?


It worked.

I totally get it — sharing my results right off the bat might raise some eyebrows, but at the end of the day, are results not what businesses really care about!

In just three short months after the redesign, here are the (seriously impressive) results this business experienced:

+10.12% increase in sales

+2.16 jump in conversion rate

-35% decrease in cart abandonment

what the fuck

How do I sell people on a product without mentioning any of its benefits?

what the fuck

How do I sell people on a product without mentioning any of its benefits?

what the fuck

How do I sell people on a product without mentioning any of its benefits?

Ideation & Implementation

I had to get creative

The main challenge in redesigning this website was the restriction on using certain words like "Sleep," "Medication," and "Anxiety," which are crucial in addressing client pain points and making them feel seen.

Let the 5-star client testimonials do the talking.

If a client mentioned those specific phrases in their testimonials, it wouldn't pose any legal issues since it's just a direct quote from them.

It’s a win-win. The business could showcase its products’ effectiveness and make customers feel seen, all while staying within the legal boundaries.

Highlight and strategically place those real stories with real client pictures.

By showcasing real stories of satisfied customers and the benefits they experienced aside their real image with the product they’ve used, I was able to create a strong sense of trust and credibility for the products.

Using a conversational tone.

No walls of text here! I kept it concise and easy to read, especially on mobile devices.

Add a quick link to the product addressed by the client.

Using VideoAsk to add a personal touch and build a connection.

People love to see real faces, right?

Ideation & Implementation

Driving conversion through an improved checkout experience

The website's original checkout process had a critical flaw.

Whenever users clicked on the “Add to Cart” CTA, they were immediately taken to the checkout page without the opportunity to review their cart or make any adjustments. Some users might have been caught off guard or felt rushed, leading to cart abandonment.

Implementing a dynamic cart.

This meant that users had more control over their shopping experience, and could easily continue exploring other products without losing track of what they intended to purchase.

Adding a progress bar.

Tweaking the purchase CTA.

The text on the "Place Order" CTA button was tweaked to something more explicit, "Proceed to Payment." This made it clearer for customers what the next step in the process would be, reducing uncertainty.

Presenting upselling opportunities.

The cart was utilized to show related products that customers might be interested in based on popular or frequently bought-together items.

Making sure the whole process was mobile-friendly.

Ideation & Implementation

Stepping up the mobile game

The mobile user experience was subpar, with issues such as text overlap and difficulty reading content due to poor contrast.

Address previous contrast and overlap issues.

All content is now displayed correctly on mobile devices. I also addressed contrast issues which made the text and elements easily readable for users with visual impairments.

Adding a progress bar.

Address previous element size issues.

The size of interactive elements, such as buttons, was increased to accommodate touch interactions. This prevented users from accidentally clicking on the wrong item and improved overall navigation efficiency.

Mobile-friendly bottom navigation menu.

Personal learnings

Reflecting & unpacking

Thinking outside the box when faced with limitations.

It was extremely clear to me that genuine experiences resonate best.

I feel like with all the scams online, it's genuine, unfiltered stories that stand out the most. 

Being genuine isn't just trendy; it creates real connections.

© 2023 Fayrouz Dak. All Rights Reserved.

Designed with heart and lots of coffee.